Volám sa Silvia. Som na materskej dovolenke s dvoma malýlmi synmi. Vďaka nim som sa začala na fotografiu pozerať inak ako len na dokument o ich raste a pamiatku na dovolenku. Fotografovaniu sa venujem krátko, vlastne zatiaľ len skúmam, čo dokážem ja alebo čo dokáže taká zrkadlovka :)
Hi! I love this layer you created. please, can you tell me how did you make the large image of the kid? i tried to do it with the opacity or mask but it wasnt like you did. please contact me.
1 komentárov:
Hi! I love this layer you created. please, can you tell me how did you make the large image of the kid? i tried to do it with the opacity or mask but it wasnt like you did. please contact me.
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